With over seventeen years of experience, Our firm can assist you with your probate administration matter. It is certainly stressful and taxing when a close family member or spouse dies. Property, real or personal, that does not pass by operation of law (such as real property or bank accounts held as joint tenants with rights of survivorship) will likely need to be transferred though a formal or summary probate proceeding. In Florida, it is mandatory in most probate matters to hire an attorney to guide and represent your interests with regards to the necessary probate administration. Our firm offers legal representation to personal representatives and/or heirs in various probate administration matters.
Our firm regularly provides legal representation in Formal Administrations, Summary Administrations, and Ancillary Administrations. There are certain rights that Florida residents may have with respect to homestead property and certain deemed exempt property that should be properly preserved and perfected. In addition, Florida law limits the time for creditors to file claims against an estate. If faced with the need to open a probate estate administration, you should consult with an experienced attorney to determine your rights, obligations and duties surrounding a probate administration.
Our firm regularly provides legal representation in Formal Administrations, Summary Administrations, and Ancillary Administrations. There are certain rights that Florida residents may have with respect to homestead property and certain deemed exempt property that should be properly preserved and perfected. In addition, Florida law limits the time for creditors to file claims against an estate. If faced with the need to open a probate estate administration, you should consult with an experienced attorney to determine your rights, obligations and duties surrounding a probate administration.